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8 Meownces of the finest cat wine available. Developed from all-natural ingredients, The Catbernet is a cat wine designed to delight your kitty, while also helping freshen that breath.

The Catbernet 8 Meownce Bottle

SKU: 78651
$12.95 Regular Price
$11.95Sale Price
  • Why Drink Alone?! We have labored intensively to develop a non-alcoholic, catnip-based wine just for your furry feline friends. We promise it will entice your cat beyond excitement.

© 2017 Apollo Peak, Inc.  All rights reserved.

Apollo Peak, Inc.

Corporate Office & Brewery

15000 W. 6th Ave Suite 104

Golden, CO 80401

Apollo Peak Chewery

Flagship Store and Bakery

1111 N. Broadway Suite 103

Denver, Colorado 80203

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